Theses and Dissertations
Mao, Youli, 2017, M.S. Geophysics, Dynamic relaxation for initial stress setup and inelastic response of compliant fault zones to the nearby earthquakes. Advisor(s): Ben Duan.
Saber, Omid, 2017, Ph.D. Mechanical Eng., Development and characterization of a high-speed material-testing machine, and experimental analysis of frictional flash heating and dynamic weakening in rock. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester & Jorge Alvarado.
Elizondo Ugarte, Daniel Fernando, 2016, M.S. Geology, Subsidiary Fault Kinematics and Displacement Transfer at the Mill Creek-Mission Creek Fault Stepover, San Bernardino Mountains, California. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Choens, Robert Charles, II, 2015, Ph.D. Geophysics, Predictions of Induced Brittle Failure in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Stewart, Eric, 2015, Ph.D. Geology, The Structural and Petrologic Evolution of the Red Hills Ultramafic Massif: Coupled Melt Migration and Deformation during Subduction Initiation. Advisor(s): Julie Newman.
Ulrich, Chris, 2015, M.S. Geology, Deformation Mechanisms and Microstructures of Experimentally Deformed Magnesite. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg & Julie Newman.
Wells, Rachel, 2015, Ph.D. Geology, Rheologic evolution of carbonates and shale along thrust faults. Advisor(s): Julie Newman.
Donnelly, Sara, 2014, M.S. Geology, Overprinting Deformations in Mantle Rocks, Dun Mountain, New Zealand. Advisor(s): Julie Newman.
French, Melodie L., 2014, Ph.D. Geophysics, Microphysical controls on the strength and transport properties of fault zones. Advisor(s): Judith Chester & Frederick Chester.
Goodson, Kyle, 2014, M.S. Geology, Penetrative Deformation of Dolostones during Contact Metamorphism and the Forceful Emplacement of the Tungstonia Granite, Kern Mountains, Nevada. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Kang, Jingqian, 2014, Ph.D. Geophysics, Deformation of Compliant Fault Zones Induced by Nearby Earthquakes: Theoretical Investigations in Three Dimensions and Applications to The East California Shear Zone. Advisor(s): Ben Duan.
Liu, Zaifeng, 2014, Ph.D. Geophysics, Rupture Dynamics of Strike-Slip Faults with Stepovers: From Conceptually Simplified to Realistically Complex Fault Systems. Advisor(s): Ben Duan.
Loftin, Aileen, 2014, M.S. Geophysics, Fabric Analysis of Survivor Clasts in the Southwest Deforming Zone of the San Andreas Fault at Three Kilometers Depth. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester & Judith Chester.
Chapman, Shay, 2013, M.S. Geology, Thermal and Structural Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of the Idaho-Wyoming-Utah Thrust Belt. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Ayyildiz, Muhammed Fatih, 2012, M.S. Geology, Scale Dependence of Fracture Density and Fabric in the Damage Zone of a Large Displacement Continental Transform Fault. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Becker, Andrew, 2012, M.S. Geology, Off-fault Damage Associated with a Localized Bend in the North Branch San Gabriel Fault, California. Advisor(s): Judith Chester & Frederick Chester.
Heron, Bretani Rebecca, 2011, M.S. Geology, Grain-scale comminution and alteration of arkosic rocks in the damage zone of the San Andreas fault at SAFOD. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Johnson, Harold Everett, 2011, M.S. Geology, 3D structural analysis of the Benton Uplift, Ouachita Orogen, Arkansas. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Piper, Jennifer, 2011, M.S. Geology, The thermal evolution of the Ouachita Orogen, Arkansas and Oklahoma from quartz-calcite thermometry and fluid inclusion thermobarometry. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Steen, Sean Kristian, 2011, M.S. Geology, Role of climate in the deformation of a fold and thrust belt. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Coble, Clayton, 2010, M.S. Geology, Frictional strength of the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester & Judith Chester.
Dilci, Gokturk, 2010, M.S. Geology, Effect of load path on mode of failure at the brittle ductile transition in well-sorted aggregates of St. Peter Sand. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Kitajima, Hiroko, 2010, Ph.D. Geology, Evolution of frictional behavior of Punchbowl fault gouge sheared at seismic slip rates and mechanical and hydraulic properties of Nankai Trough accretionary prism sediments deformed along different loading paths. Advisor(s): Judith Chester & Frederick Chester.
Sills, David, 2010, M.S. Geology, The fabric of clasts, veins and foliations within the actively creeping zones of the San Andreas fault at SAFOD implications for deformation processes. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Wells, Rachel, 2010, M.S Geology, Microstructure and rheology of a limestone-shale thrust fault. Advisor(s): Julie Newman.
Choens, Robert Charles II, 2009, M.S. Geophysics, Characterizing Damage Evolution and Yield in Sandstone Under Triaxial Loading as a Function of Various Effective Pressure. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Majekodunmi, Oluwatosin Eniola (Tosin), 2009, M.S. Geology, Kinematic and mechanical reconstruction of Walker Ridge structures, deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Cervantes, Pablo, 2008, Ph.D. Geology, Syntectonic Vein Fabric Development, Ouachita Orogen, Arkansas. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Herrin, Elizabeth Anne, 2008, M.S. Geology, Experimental Study of Shear and Compaction Band Formation in Berea Sandstone. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Almeida, Rafael, 2007, M.S. Geology, Mesoscale Fracture Fabric and Paleostress Along the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Rodriguez-Roa, Fernando, 2007, M.S. Geology, Thrust belt architecture of the central and southern Western Foothills of Taiwan. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Waller, Troy, 2007, M.S. Geology, Structural analysis of the Perdido fold belt: timing, evolution, and structural style. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Graff, Mitchell C., 2006, M.S. Geology, A core-based assessment of the spatial relationship of small faults associated with a basement-controlled, large normal fault in the Hickory Sandstone. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Kanaya, Takamasa, 2006, M.S. Geology, Structure and kinematics of the Suzume fault, Okitsu melange, Shimanto accretionary complex, Japan. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Bobich, Jennifer, 2005, M.S. Geology, Experimental analysis of the extension to shear fracture transition in Berea Sandstone. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Davis, Nathan, 2005, M.S. Geology, Experimental deformation in natural and synthetic dolomite. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg & Julie Newman.
Orofino, James C., 2005, M.S. Geology, Structural Fabric of the Palisades Monocline: A Study of Positive Inversion, Grand Canyon, AZ. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Rodriguez, Erika, 2005, M.S. Geology, A Microsctructural Study of the Extension-to-shear Fracture Transition in Carrara Marble. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Chung, Jae Won, 2004, M.S. Geology, Mechanisms of Vein Formation. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Fallon, Jessica A., 2004, M.S. Geology, Crack healing as a function of pOH- and fracture morphology. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Hassler, Lauren, 2004, M.S. Geology, Motion and evolution of the Chaochou Fault, Southern Taiwan. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Ramsey, Jonathan, 2003, M.S. Geology, Experimental study of the transition from brittle shear fractures to joints. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Zhang, Li, 2003, M.S. Geology, Folds above angular fault bends: mechanical constraints for backlimb trishear kinematic models. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Zhurina, Elena, 2003, Ph.D. Geophysics, Forward and iterative transverse fluid-flow modeling and analysis of field-scale experiments in a faulted reservoir. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Cubuk, Pelin, 2002, M.S. Geology, Experimental Study of Fracture Development in Multilayers of Contrasting Strength and Ductility. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Lenz, Steve, 2002, M.S. Geology, Subcritical crack growth in creep compaction experiments. Advisor(s): Frederick Chester.
Moore, Vernon, 2002, M.S. Geology, Crustal-to-Lithospheric Scale Tectonic Wedge Development and Syn-collisional Delamination in Covergent Orogens. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Neal, Leslie, 2002, M.S. Geology, Structure and Petrology of the Kern Canyon Fault, California: A Deeply Exhumed Strike-slip Fault. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Panian, John, 2002, Ph.D. Geology, The effect of mechanical stratigraphy on ramp localization within fold-thrust belts. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Schafer, Kirk, 2002, M.S. Geology, Detailed Characterization of the Structure and Evolution of Small-displacement Faults in the Porous Hickory Sandstone, Central Texas. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Hintz, Jenna, 2001, M.S. Geology, Trapping Capacity of Fault Zones, Downdip Yegua Formation, Texas Gulf Coast Basin. Advisor(s): Robert Berg.
Kuhle, Nathan J., 2001, M.S. Geology, Effect of Burial History, Rock Ductility and Recovery Magnitude on Inversion of Normal-faulted Strata. Advisor(s): Judith Chester & Frederick Chester.
McLain, Chris, 2001, M.S. Geology, The Effects of Lithology and Initial Fault Angle in Physical Models of Fault-propagation Folds. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Wilson, Jason, 2001, M.S. Geology, High-resolution Stratigraphic and Structural Characterization of the Fault-partitioned Hickory Sandstone Aquifer System, Mason County, Central Texas. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Ibanez, William D., 2000, Ph.D. Geology, Characterization of the Structure and Permeability of Shear Zones in a Siliciclastic Aquifer. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson & Frederick Chester.
Hickman, John B., Jr., 1999, M.S. Geology, Structure and Evolution of the Active Fold and Thrust Belt of Southwestern Taiwan Using GPS Geodesy. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Looff, Kurt, 1999, Ph.D. Geophysics, Microstructural & Structural Analysis of Three Salt Structures of Different Tectonic Regimes. Advisor(s): Neville Carter.
Wilson, Jennifer, 1999, M.S. Geology, Microfracture Fabric of the Punchbowl Fault Zone, San Andreas System, California. Advisor(s): Judith Chester.
Couzens, Brent, 1998, Ph.D. Geology, The Mechanical Origin of Triangle Zones. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Kwon, Ohmyoung, 1998, Ph.D. Geology, Transport and Mechanical Properties of Saturated Wilcox Shale. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Spagnuolo, Karen A. (Grant), 1998, M.S. Geology, Physical Models of Fault-propagation Folds. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Decker, Carrie Lynn, 1997, Ph.D. Geology, Field Study of Fault Localization in the Presence of Fluids: Implications for Mode of Deformation and Fluid Rock Interactions. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Lee, Young-Joon, 1997, Ph.D. Geology, Models of Calcite Vein Formation. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko & John Morse.
Mamula, Ned, 1997, Ph.D. Geology, Faulting of Eocene Rocks in the Central Bighorn Basin of Northwest Wyoming: Possible Implications. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Kennedy, Lori, 1996, Ph.D. Geology, Deformation Accompanying Foreland Thrusting Examples from the Southern Appalachians and Canadian Rockies. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Leem, Junghun, 1995, M.S. Geology, Finite Element Analysis of Elastic Interaction of Two En Echelon Overlapping Faults. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Sales, James (Greg), 1994, M.S. Geology, The Effects of Erosion on the Evolution of Pore Pressure within a Thrust Sheet. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Switek, Dan, 1994, M.S. Geology, Faults as Hydrocarbon Barriers, Arroyo Grande, CA. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Lambert, G. R.(Randy), 1993, M.S. Geology, Conditions During Syntectonic Vein Formation in the Footwall of the Absaroka - Thrust Fault of the Idaho-Wyoming-Utah Fold and Thrust Belt. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Mazariegos, Ruben A., 1993, Ph.D. Geophysics, Mechanical Modeling of the Growth of Salt Structures. Advisor(s): James Russell & Neville Carter.
McKiernan, Desiree E., 1993, M.S. Geology, Extrapolation of Fracture Orientation and Spacing in Outcrops of Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk, Texas, to Corresponding Petroleum Reservoirs. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Chester, Judith S., 1992, Ph.D. Geology, Role of Mechanical Anisotropy in the Internal Evolution of a Thrust Sheet. Advisor(s): John Logan & John Spang.
Denton, Meredith, 1992, M.S. Geophysics, An Investigation into the Mechanical Response of Berea Sandstone to the Uniaxial-Biaxial Text. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Hung, Jih-Hao, 1992, Ph.D. Geology, The Kinematics and Deformation of a Thrust Sheet over Frontal-Transverse Ramps. A Field and Experimental Study. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Ibanez, William, 1992, M.S. Geology, Deformation of Shale: Mechanical Properties and Indicators of Mechanisms. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Mares, Vanadis, 1992, M.S. Geology, Experimental Deformation of Muscovite. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Smith, Richard, 1992, M.S. Geology, One and Two Dimensional Finite Difference Models of Pore Pressure Evolution within and Below a Moving Thrust Sheet. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Derr, Douglas W., 1991, M.S. Geology, Laramide Deformation of the Rocky Mountain Foreland, Southeastern Corner of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Lin, Ching-Weei, 1991, Ph.D. Geology, Influence of Structural Stratigraphy in Multilayered Wrench-Fault Models. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman & John Logan.
Shea, William T., Jr., 1991, Ph.D. Geology, The Roles of Fabric and Micas in the Deformation of Foliated Rocks: An Experimental Study. Advisor(s): Andreas Kronenberg.
Wilks, Kenneth R., 1991, Ph.D. Geophysics, Rheology of Selected Continental Lower Crustal Rocks. Advisor(s): Neville Carter.
Apotria, Theodore G., 1990, Ph.D. Geology, The Kinematics and Mechanics of Oblique Ramp Deformation within Fold-and-Thrust Belts. Advisor(s): John Spang & David Wiltschko.
Davies, Russell K., 1990, Ph.D. Geology, Models and Observations of Faulting and Folding in Layered Rock. Advisor(s): Raymond Fletcher.
Erickson, S. Gregg, 1990, Ph.D. Geology, Mechanics of Deformation in Thrust Fault Zones. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Goff, Douglas F., 1990, Ph.D. Geology, Mechanics of Thrust Ramp Spacing. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko.
Hastedt, Margaret, 1990, M.S. Geology, The Effects of Thermal Cycling on the Rock Mechanics of Carrara Marble. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Huffman, Alan R., 1990, Ph.D. Geophysics, Shock Deformation and Volcanism Across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition. Advisor(s): Neville Carter & Richard Carlson.
Lin, Peng, 1990, M.S. Geophysics, The Interaction of Two Closely Spaced Cracks--Rock Model and Computer Simulations. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Tsenn, Michael, 1990, Ph.D. Geology, Strengthening Effects of Dislocation Networks in Halite. Advisor(s): Neville Carter.
Irwin, Frank A., 1989, M.S. Geology, A Mechanical Model of Early Salt Dome Growth. Advisor(s): Raymond Fletcher.
Kilsdonk, M. William, 1989, Ph.D. Geology, Studies of Extensional Tectonics. Advisor(s): Raymond Fletcher.
Smith, Gretchen, 1989, M.S. Geology, Deformation of a Basement Corner, Crazy Woman Canyon, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Wang, Zai-Zhong, 1989, Ph.D. Geophysics, Frictional Sliding and the Fabric Developed in Experimental Shear Zones. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Chester, Frederick M., 1988, Ph.D. Geophysics, The Transition From Cataclasis to Intracrystalline Plasticity in Experimental Shear Zones. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Cronin, Vincent S., 1988, Ph.D. Geology, Cycloid Tectonics: A Kinematic Model of Finite Relative Plate Motion. Advisor(s): John Spang & Neville Carter.
Mardon, Duncan, 1988, Ph.D. Geology, Localization of Pressure Solution and the Formation of Discrete Solution Seams. Advisor(s): Raymond Fletcher.
Evans, James P., 1987, Ph.D. Geology, Geometry, Mechanisms, and Mechanics of Deformation in a Laramide Thrust Sheet. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Hedgcoxe, H. Reiffert, 1987, M.S. Geology, Development of Secondary Faults Between En Echelon, Oblique-Slip Faults: Examples from Basement Controlled, Small-Fault Systems in the Llano Uplift of Central Texas. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Lupo, Mark, 1987, Ph.D. Geophysics, Outflow of Fluids from Matrix to Fractures in Rocks. Advisor(s): John Logan.
McConnell, David A., 1987, Ph.D. Geology, Paleozoic Structural Evolution of the Wichita Uplift, Southwest Oklahoma. Advisor(s): John Spang & M. Charles Gilbert.
Schmittle, J. Mark, 1987, M.S. Geology, Brittle Deformation and Cataclasis on the Southwest Flank of the Llano Uplift, Mason County, Texas. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Couples, Gary D., 1986, Ph.D. Geology, Kinematic and Dynamic Considerations in the Forced Folding Process as Studied in the Laboratory (Experimental Models) and in the Field (Rattlesnake Mountain, Wyoming). Advisor(s): John Handin & David Stearns.
Dula, William F., Jr., 1986, Ph.D. Geology, High Temperature Deformation of Wet and Dry Artificial Quartz Gouge. Advisor(s): John Logan & Mel Friedman.
Hennings, Peter H., 1986, M.S. Geology, Basement/Cover Rock Relations of the Dry Fork Ridge Anticline Termination, Northeastern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming and Montana. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Hopkins, Theodor W., 1986, M.S. Geology, Microfracturing in Westerly Granite Experimentally Extended Wet and Dry at Temperatures to 800°C and Pressures to 200 MPa. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Juddo, Edward P., 1986, M.S. Geology, An Experimental Study of the Permeability of Fracture Intersections in Sioux Quartzite. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Kraig, David H., 1986, M.S. Geology, Emplacement of the Moxa Arch and Interaction with the Western Overthrust Belt, Wyoming. Advisor(s): David Wiltschko & John Spang.
Oldham, David, 1986, M.S. Geophysics, F-K Migration of Multichannel Seismic Data from the Yucatan Basin, Caribbean Sea. Advisor(s): Davis Fahlquist.
Becker, Joseph, 1985, M.S. Geology, Structural Analysis of the Western Llano Uplift with Emphasis on the Mason Fault. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Chester, Judith S., 1985, M.S. Geology, Deformation of Layered Rocks in the Ramp Regions of Thrust Faults: A Study with Rock Models. Advisor(s): John Logan & John Spang.
Feucht, Lynn J., 1985, M.S. Geophysics, The Effects of Chemical Environment on the Frictional Properties of a Quartzose Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Gazonas, George A., 1985, Ph.D. Geophysics, The Mechanics of a Near-Surface Crack Under Uniform Pressure or Shear in a Transversely Isotropic Medium: With Applications to Hydraulic Fracture. Advisor(s): John Logan & Raymond Fletcher.
Johnson, Mark R., 1985, M.S. Geology, Pennsylvanian-Permian Deformation At 1,000 to [JC1] 5,000 Feet of Overburden, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Rauenzahn, Kim Ann, 1985, M.S. Geophysics, The Effects of Mixed Quartz-Montmorillonite Gouge On The Frictional Sliding of Tennessee Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Welker, Mary C., 1985, M.S. Geology, Structure and Deformation Mechanisms Along the Tonale Line, N. Italy. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Bauer, Henrietta Gatto, 1984, M.S. Geology, The Effect of Various States of Stress on the Permeability of Berea Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Bauer, Stephen J., 1984, Ph.D. Geology, Semibrittle Deformation of Granite at Upper Crustal Conditions. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Goldburg, Barbara, 1984, M.S. Geology, Geometry and Styles of Displacement Transfer, Eastern Sun River Canyon Area, Sawtooth Range, Montana. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Harris, William J., 1984, M.S. Geophysics, Strain Rate-Dependent Failure of Westerly Granite at 100 MPA. Advisor(s): Neville Carter.
Hennier, Jeffrey H., 1984, M.S. Geology, Structural Analysis of the Sheep Mountain Anticline, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Lantz, James R., 1984, M.S. Geology, Geology and Kinematics of a Clay-Rich Landslide with an Undulatory Slip Surface. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Panozzo, Renee H., 1984, Ph.D. Geology, Deformation Mechanisms Associated with Mesoscopic Kinkbands, Jura Mountains (Switzerland) and Chaines Subalpines (France). Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Patton, Thomas L., III, 1984, Ph.D. Geology, Normal-Fault and Fold Development in Sedimentary Rocks Above a Pre-Existing Basement Normal Fault. Advisor(s): John Logan & Raymond Fletcher.
Billingsley, Lee T., 1983, Ph.D. Geology, Geometry and Mechanisms of Folding Related to Growth Faulting, Wilcox Formation, DeWitt County, Texas. Advisor(s): Robert Berg.
Chester, Frederick M., 1983, M.S. Geology, Mechanical Properties and Fabric of the Punchbowl Fault Zone, California. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Coryell, Jeffrey J., 1983, M.S. Geology, Structural Geology of the Henneberry Ridge Area, Beaverhead County, Montana. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Dransfield, Betsy J., 1983, M.S. Geology, The Cow Creek Anticline: An Example of Disharmonic Folding along the Front of the Big Horn Mountains. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Evans, James P., 1983, M.S. Geology, Structural Geology of the Northern Termination of the Crawford Thrust, Western Wyoming. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Huntsman, Brent S., 1983, M.S. Geology, Structure of the Eastern Red Rocks and Wind Ridge Thrust Faults, Wyoming: How a Thrust Fault Gains Displacement Along Strike. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Knapp, Steven, 1983, M.S. Geology, Gliding Flow and Recrystallization of Halite Gouge in Experimental Shear Zones. Advisor(s): John Logan & Mel Friedman.
Kuzior, Jerry L., 1983, M.S. Geology, The Geology of the Basal Sandstone-Mudstone Unit of the Blackhawk Landslide, Lucerne Valley, California. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Ponton, James D., 1983, M.S. Geology, Structural Analysis of the Little Water Syncline, Beaverhead County, Montana. Advisor(s): John Spang.
Scheevel, Jay R., 1983, M.S. Geology, Soft-Sediment and Hard-Rock Deformation in the Chinle Formation, Northeastern Arizona. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Chang, Heu-Cheng, 1982, M.S. Geology, Effect of Displacement Rate and Gouge Composition on the Sliding Behavior of Simulated Gouge. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Corbett, Kevin P., 1982, M.S. Geology, Structural Stratigraphy of the Austin Chalk. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Dengo, Carlos A., 1982, Ph.D. Geology, Structural Analysis of the Polochic Fault Zone in Western Guatemala, Central America. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Hansen, Frank D., 1982, Ph.D. Geology, Semibrittle Creep of Selected Crustal Rocks at 1000 MPa. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman & Neville Carter.
McCaskey, Michael D., 1982, M.S. Geology, Deformation Associated with Transverse Thrust Ramps: A Field and Experimental Study. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Young, Stephen R., 1982, M.S. Geology, Characterization of and Parameters Controlling Small Faults in Naturally Deformed, Porous Sandstones. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Higgs, Nigel G., 1981, Ph.D. Geology, Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Quartz, Chlorite and Bentonite in Environments Appropriate to Upper-Crustal Earthquakes. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Bartlett, Wendy L., 1980, M.S. Geology, Experimental Wrench Faulting at Confining Pressure. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Bauer, Stephen J., 1980, M.S. Geology, The Effects of Unconfined Slow Uniform Heating on the Mechanical and Transport Properties of the Westerly and Charcoal Granites. Advisor(s): Brann Johnson.
Casarta, Lawrence J., 1980, M.S. Geology, The effects of Interlayer Slip on the Folding of Layered Rocks. Advisor(s): David Parrish.
Gazonas, George A., 1980, M.S. Geology, An Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Analysis of a Porous Rock, An Experimental, Finite-Element, and Theoretical Study. Advisor(s): John Logan.
O'Keefe, Arthur F. X., 1980, M.S. Geology, Characteristics of Displacement-Transfer Zones Associated with Thrust Faults. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Price, Ronald H., 1980, M.S. Geology, Effects of Anhydrite and Pressure on the Mechanical Behavior of Synthetic Rocksalt. Advisor(s): David Parrish.
Rigert, James A., 1980, Ph.D. Geophysics, Uniaxial and Controlled-Lateral Strain Tests on Selected Sedimentary Rocks. Advisor(s): John Handin.
Sinclair, Steven W., 1980, M.S. Geology, Analysis of Macroscopic Fractures on Teton Anticline, Northwestern Montana. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Tucker, James W., 1980, M.S. Geology, Structural Analysis and Geologic History of the Cedar-Fork Area, Lake Ouachita, Arkansas. Advisor(s): David Parrish.
White, Marjorie A., 1980, M.S. Geology, Structural Geology of the Irons Fork-North Fork Creeks Area, Lake Ouachita, Arkansas. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Coyne, John C., 1979, M.S. Geophysics, A Photoelastic Study of Slip on an Artificial Fault in a Multilayered Medium. Advisor(s): Anthony Gangi.
Jamison, William R., 1979, Ph.D. Geology, Laramide Deformation of the Wingate Sandstone, Colorado National Monument: A Study of Cataclastic Flow. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Parks, Pamela H., 1979, M.S. Geology, Gravity Interpretation of the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. Advisor(s): Robert R. Berg.
Teufel, Lawrence W., 1979, Ph.D. Geology, An Experimental Study of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Layered Rock. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Dengo, Carlos A., 1978, M.S. Geology, Frictional Characteristics of Serpentinite from the Montagua Fault Zone in Guatemala: An Experimental Study. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Fugitt, David S., 1978, M.S. Geology, Structural Geology of the Buckville Area, Lake Ouachita, Arkansas. Advisor(s): David Parrish.
George, Lawrence, 1978, M.S. Geophysics, The Influence of Constitutive Relations on the Bending of a Multilayer. Advisor(s): Davis Fahlquist.
Hugman, Robert H. H., III, 1978, M.S. Geology, The Effects of Texture and Composition on the Mechanical Behavior of Experimentally Deformed Carbonate Rocks. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Morse, James D., 1978, M.S. Geology, Deformation in Ramp Regions of Thrust Faults: Experiments with Rock Models. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Serra, Sandro, 1978, Ph.D. Geology, Styles of Deformation in the Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Stearns, Martha T., 1978, M.S. Geology, Displacements Required During Multiple Drape-Folding Along the Northwest Bighorn Mountain Front, Wyoming. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Shimamoto, Toshihiko, 1977, Ph.D. Geology, Effects of Fault Gouge on the Frictional Properties of Rocks: An Experimental Study. Advisor(s): John Logan & Mel Friedman.
Temple, James V., Jr., 1977, M.S. Geology, Structural Relations Along the Western End of the Arrowhead Fault, Muddy Mountains, Nevada. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Weinberg, David M., 1977, Ph.D. Geology, Two-Dimensional Kinematic Analyses of Selected Aspects of Folding in the Rocky Mountain Foreland and Their Geologic Implications. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Barber, David W., 1976, Ph.D. Geology, Analytical Study of Displacements along Faults with Irregular Fault-Plane Geometry. Advisor(s): John Handin.
Blanton, Thomas L., III, 1976, Ph.D. Geology, Effect of Strain Rates from 10-2 to 10/sec in Triaxial Compression Tests on Three Rocks. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Corry, Charles E., 1976, Ph.D. Geophysics, Emplacement and Growth of Laccoliths. Advisor(s): Davis Fahlquist.
Dyke, Lawrence D., 1976, M.S. Geology, Experimental Deformation of Multilithologic Specimens Simulating Sedimentary Facies Changes. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Iwamura, Shigeo, 1976, Ph.D. Geophysics, Plastic Buckling of Multi-Layered Beams. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Teufel, Lawrence W., 1976, M.S. Geology, The Measurement of Contact Areas and Temperatures during Frictional Sliding of Tennessee Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Cook, Robert A., 1975, Ph.D. Geology, Mechanisms of Sandstone Deformation: A Study of the Drape Folded Weber Sandstone in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Nelson, Ronald A., 1975, Ph.D. Geology, Fracture Permeability in Porous Reservoirs: An Experimental and Field Approach. Advisor(s): John Handin & David Stearns.
Conrad, Robert E., II, 1974, M.S. Geology, Microscopic Feather Fractures in the Faulting Process. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Gilbert, Patrick K., 1974, M.S. Geology, Mechanical Characteristics of Folds in Upper Cretaceous Strata in the Disturbed Belt of Northwestern Montana. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Min, Kyung D., 1974, Ph.D. Geophysics, Analytical and Petrofabric Studies of Experimental Faulted Drape-Folds in Layered Rock Specimens. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Savage, William Z., 1974, Ph.D. Geology, Stress and Displacement Fields in Stably Folded Rock Layers. Advisor(s): John Handin.
Barber, David W., 1973, M.S. Geology, A Photoelastic Study of the Effects of Surface Geometry on Fault Movements. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Blackwell, Michael L., 1973, M.S. Geophysics, The Influence of Pore Fluids on the Frictional Properties of Quartzose Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Brock, William G., 1973, M.S. Geology, Characterization of the Muddy Mountain-Keystone Thrust Contact and Related Deformation. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Engelder, James T., 1973, Ph.D. Geology, Quartz Fault-Gouge: Its Generation and Effect on the Frictional Properties of Sandstone. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman & John Logan.
Cook, Robert A., 1972, M.S. Geology, Scaled Dependencies in Structural Analysis as Illustrated by Chevron Folds along the Beartooth Front, Wyoming. Advisor(s): David Stearns.
Heinze, William D., 1972, M.S. Geophysics, A Geologic Application of Biot's Buckling Theory. Advisor(s): Davis Fahlquist.
Humston, John A., 1972, M.S. Geology, Stick-Slip in Tennessee Sandstone. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Nichols, Thomas C., Jr., 1972, M.S. Geology, Deformations Associated with Relaxation of Residual Stresses in the Barre Granite of Vermont. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Pattison, Linda J., 1972, M.S. Geology, Petrofabric Analysis of Experimentally Folded Multilithologic Layered Rocks. Advisor(s): Mel Friedman.
Gallagher, John J., Jr., 1971, Ph.D. Geology, Photomechanical Model Studies Relating to Fracture and Residual Elastic Strain in Granular Aggregates. Advisor(s): John Handin.
Swolfs, Henri S., 1971, Ph.D. Geology, Influence of Pore-Fluid Chemistry and Temperature on Fracture of Sandstone under Confining Pressure. Advisor(s): John Handin.
Iwasaki, Takeshi, 1970, M.S. Geology, Frictional Properties Between Fine-Grained Limestone, Dolomite and Sandstone Along Precut Surfaces. Advisor(s): John Logan.
Stearns, David W., 1970, Ph.D. Geology, Drape Folds Over Uplifted Basement Blocks with Emphasis on the Wyoming Province. Advisor(s): John Handin & Mel Friedman.
Wilson, Raymond C., Jr., 1970, Ph.D. Geology, The Mechanical Properties of the Shear Zone of the Lewis Overthrust, Glacier National Park, Montana. Advisor(s): John Handin.